National Job Listings

Below are job postings submitted by other Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod entities, including congregations, Recognized Service Organizations, Districts, etc.

Questions about the open positions listed on this page should be directed to the contact organization listed with the posting. The LCMS does not hire for these positions, and, as such, cannot answer any questions you may have about them.

Requests to post open positions for Recognized Services Organizations and affiliated organizations are done by the Department of Human Resources of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod if the posting guidelines are met. If you are with an RSO or LCMS affiliate, and would like to see guidelines for applying to have your position listed on this page, please read our guideline and applications.


(Click on the job title for more detailed information)

Job TitleDevelopment Officer [Mid Level]
OrganizationLutheran Bible Translators
LocationConcordia, Missouri
Expiration Date12/13/2024
Job Title[Marketing] Project Coordinator
OrganizationLutheran Bible Translators
LocationConcordia, Missouri
Expiration Date12/13/2024
Job TitleAssistant Principal
OrganizationSt. James Lutheran Church & School
LocationChicago, Illinois
Expiration Date12/16/2024
Job TitleMS/HS PE Teacher
OrganizationConcordia International School Shanghai
Expiration Date12/30/2024
Job TitleES/MS Strings Teacher
OrganizationConcordia International School Shanghai
Expiration Date12/30/2024
Job TitleDirector of Music
OrganizationSt. John's Lutheran Church
LocationLaGrange, Illinois
Expiration Date12/31/2024
Job Title2025-2026 School Year Openings
OrganizationConcordia International School Hanoi
LocationKim Nỗ, Đông Anh, Hanoi
Expiration Date12/31/2024
Job TitleSoftware Engineer
OrganizationConcordia Publishing House
LocationSt. Louis, Missouri
Expiration Date2/28/2025
Job TitleEditor, Academic Resources
OrganizationConcordia Publishing House
LocationSt. Louis, Missouri
Expiration Date2/28/2025
Job TitleExecutive Director
OrganizationCamp Lutherhaven
LocationAlbion, Indiana
Expiration Date3/1/2025
Job TitleMaintenance Technician
OrganizationConcordia Publishing House
LocationSt. Louis, Missouri
Expiration Date3/31/2025

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